
McKim & Creed's comprehensive Geomatics solutions provide clients across our footprint with services that improve resiliency and the built environment.

Our team has provided an array of geospatial services for local municipalities, utility companies, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and private sector clients. Our vessels, equipment, and crews also have the unique ability to navigate and access remote and tough-to-get locations, allowing our clients and internal personnel the opportunity to observe, inspect, and see first-hand locations that are not easily accessed. Additionally, McKim & Creed can conduct unmanned, remotely operated, fully equipped survey vessels if the situation arises.

McKim & Creed has performed beach monitoring, for both the public sector and the private sector for more than 20 years.
Existing Hydrographic Conditions Survey of the East River in New York, NY


Hydro Surveying & Coastal Renourishment
Cama Permit Surveys
Coastal Monitoring Surveys
Condition Surveys
Single-Beam Dual Frequency
Airborne LiDAR
Conventional Land Surveying
Utility Transmission Surveys
Customized Dredge Positioning
Hydrographic Systems
Installation and Training
Magnetometer Surveys
Sub-bottom Profiles
Mobile LiDAR Scanning & Mapping
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Topographic surveys
Marine Construction Equipment
Dredge Positioning
Multibeam Pre- and Post-dredge Surveys
RTK-GPS Tides/Water Levels
Tide Gauges
Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)
3D Laser Scanning
Boundary/ALTA surveys
Same-Day Volume Computations
Scour Surveys
Search Surveys
Side-scan Sonar
Volume Calculations
Condition Surveys
Emergency Response

Featured Projects


Gordons Landing

Grand Isle, VT

McKim & Creed combined hydrographic surveying, conventional surveying and UAS to conduct a condition survey of a rock and stone breakwater at the Gordons Landing.  Since the breakwater ran both underwater and above the water, we utilized our land, air and sea resources and multiple technologies, including GPS, multibeam, side scan sonar and UAS.
Emergency Response

Hurricane Florence Emergency Response

New Bern & Wilmington, NC

When Hurricane Florence’s historic rains and subsequent flooding rendered most affected areas impassable and dangerous, McKim & Creed deployed UAS emergency response teams where they were needed. We conducted nearly 100 UAS flights for clients immediately following Hurricane Florence.

Vero Beach Cable Landing

Vero Beach, FL

McKim & Creed completed a full Topographic/ Hydrographic/ Geophysical shallow water survey in a 500 by 10,000 meters corridor off Vero Beach, FL using our 28-foot S/V Clock. The project includes multibeam sonar, side scan sonar, magnetometer, sub-bottom profiler, topographic surveys, grab sampling, and underwater video footage.

Beach Nourishment and North End Structural Stabilization

Town of Longboat Key, FL

McKim & Creed recovered historic control monuments, and performed pre- and post-construction, and the before- and after-dredge surveys during the placement of 710,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand to portions of the Longboat Key. The hydrographic surveys were acquired to meet or exceed the minimum performance standard in accordance with the US Army Corps of Engineers Manual EM 1110-2-1003.
Conventional Survey

Sea bright to Manasquan Survey

New Jersey, USA

McKim & Creed completed hydrographic surveys for a beach renourishment project from Sea Bright to Manasquan, NJ. The project consisted of 21 miles of shoreline from the Borough of Sea Bright to the Manasquan Inlet in Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Aerial Lidar
Conventional Survey

Southport Shoreline Stabilization

Southport, NC

Using a combination of conventional survey techniques, hydrographic surveying and aerial lidar, McKim and Creed provided Olsen Associates critical preliminary survey data to assist in the City of Southport, NC shoreline stabilization study. The project covered 4,000 linear feet of shoreline from the Southport yacht basin east to Bonnet’s Park.  The initial study by Olsen Associates lead the City to approve a $5 million comprehension stabilization study and design.

Ocean Isle Beach Terminal Groin

Ocean Isle Beach, NC

McKim & Creed has supported the Town of Ocean Isle Beach, NC with topographic and hydrographic surveying services for over 10+ years. This included the initial design survey of the Town’s Terminal Groin that finished construction in April, 2022. Since construction, McKim & Creed has provided semi-annual surveys that meet the Terminal Groin Shoreline and Inlet Management Plan Survey requirements. These surveys cover 27,000 feet of shoreline and include a complex hydrographic survey of Shallotte Inlet as well as 16 radial profiles lines.


Our engineers are problem solvers and visionaries, turning ideas into reality. We analyze, design, and upfit resilient infrastructure to accommodate storm-surge flooding. Our water, wastewater, and reclaimed water project designs address issues like saltwater intrusion, groundwater contamination, and reduced stormwater system capacity. We consider how to best protect water and wastewater treatment systems as well as power supplies. We evaluate monitoring and control systems with respect to communications infrastructure reliability. We determine the rate of infrastructure deterioration and account for access to critical infrastructure facilities during times of emergency.

We also develop budget resilience measures and support our clients’ efforts to gain FEMA/HMGP funding for recovery projects as well as funding through various other agencies for proactive enhancement and resiliency projects. McKim & Creed has helped 25+ utilities secure nearly $60 million in State Revolving Fund (SRF) and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) funding.

McKim & Creed's engineering design successfully protects our clients' infrastructure from natural disasters, ensuring operations remain normal under emergency conditions.
Lift Station 87, Sarasota FL


Climate Resiliency
Construction Administration
Electrical Design and Engineering
Hydraulic Modeling
Instrumentation & Controls
Land Development
Master Planning
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Structural, & Fire Protection (MEPSFP)
Reclaimed Water
Renewable Energy: Solar & ESS
Stormwater Management & Flood Risk Reduction
Sustainable Energy
Trenchless Technology
Wastewater Management
Water Loss Recovery & Water Asset Management
Water Management
Backup Power Design

Featured Projects

Condition Assessment
Generator Design

Lift Station 87

Sarasota, FL

This new, above-ground 6.5-million gpd lift station to replaced an existing lift station that is coming to the end of its useful life. Lift Station 87 included a number of enhancements to ensure reliable water and wastewater service to area customers. The new above-ground station is designed to withstand a Category 3 storm surge.
Instrumentation & Controls

SCADA System Cybersecurity Audit

Charlotte County, FL

McKim & Creed performed a system cybersecurity audit to help Charlotte County prepare its SCADA system against cybersecurity threats. We also performed a more comprehensive network audit to recommend security improvements. A Roadmap to Maturity was prepared to guide the County toward a higher level of security maturity.
Sustainable Energy
Energy Optimization

City of Clearwater Solar Feasibility Study

Clearwater, FL

The City of Clearwater and McKim & Creed conducted a full city-wide solar and sustainability feasibility study to determine an energy reduction and solar integration plan to help the City achieve its sustainability goals. By 2035, the City aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 25 percent below 2007 emission levels and to 80 percent below 2007 emission levels by 2050.
Backup Power

Backup Power to 30 Pump Stations

Palm Coast, FL

McKim & Creed provided design, permitting, and construction services to the City of Palm Coast to install 30 new standby generators to provide essential backup power for pump stations throughout the City.  The 30 generators were funded and implemented through six construction contracts, with five generator sites on each contract.
Climate Resiliency

Laurel Ridge Levee Extension & Control Structures

Ascension Parish, LA

The Laurel Ridge Levee Extension Project extended the Laurel Ridge Levee to protect an additional approximately 8,500 structures along/within the Amite River floodplain from backwater flooding and high waters. The Laurel Ridge Levee Extension is about 4.5 miles long and constructed to an elevation of 13 to 17 feet.
Climate Resiliency

Lake Maria Sanchez Flood Mitigation & Drainage

St. Augustine, FL

Following severe damage suffered in 2016 from Hurricane Matthew, the City of St. Augustine commissioned McKim & Creed to provide design, permitting, and construction services for the Lake Maria Sanchez flood mitigation and drainage project. The project included designing stormwater pump stations, stormwater conveyance and treatment systems, bulkheads, and recreational facilities.
EV Charging
Sustainable Energy

St. Pete Pier Solar Canopy and EV Chargers

St. Petersburg, FL

McKim & Creed provided engineering for the 435 kWp St. Pete Pier Solar Canopy in St. Petersburg, Fla. Our team worked with a major energy provider on the concept and then implemented the electrical photovoltaic (PV) design for the site. Electric vehicle (EV) chargers were also specified and integrated into the electrical design for the site. Our team prepared technical single-line drawings for the interconnect application.

Baycare Health Generator Replacements

Clearwater, FL

McKim & Creed provided ventilation work connected with generator replacements at BayCare Health System, Inc. BayCare wanted to provide supplemental cooling to the utility building space that houses the chillers and switchgear. The project intended to temper the space at approximately 80˚F with relative humidity conditions as low as possible, considering equipment room supplemental cooling, chiller plant capacity, and structural loading.

Contact One of Our Experts

Matthew LaLuzerne
Business Development Director
Jessica Graber
Business Development Director
Dana Musumeci
Project Manager
Jared Lambert
Hydrographic Division Manager
Gabi De Oliveira
Hydrographic Project Manager

Meet Our Team

Matthew LaLuzerne

National Director of BD & Geospatial Services

Jared Lambert

Hydrographic Division Manager

Gabriela De Oliveira

Hydrographic Project Manager

Ravi Soneja

UAS Program Manager

Michael Lowiec

Hydrographic Project Manager

Terry Mckiven

Hydrographic Project Manager